May Meeting Materials
For our May meeting, we’re making visualizations. Here are some resources for data sets to work with or visualizations to recreate or modify:
- Tidy Tuesday: Data sets with visualizations and/or an article that presented the data. The site is part of a group that’s learning R with the tidyverse packages, but the tidyverse isn’t necessary to work with this data. For these, you may be able to find sample code on Twitter from others who participated in the project.
- Makeover Monday: Over 100 data sets with a published article and visualization to choose from. The leaders of this group use Tableau, but there’s nothing Tableau-specific about it.
Some of these datasets have a geographic component. If you’re looking to get started with making maps in R, check out Making Maps with R by Eric A. Anderson for a tutorial. And for labeling plots, remember the directlabels package Friederike shared.
If you’d like to share the visualizations you make, send Christina an image (png is good), info about the data you used, and, optionally, your code. We’ll post them here.