October Meeting Recap

October was our first meeting. We talked about R Markdown and discussed logistics for the group moving forward.

The R Markdown presentation and an exercise file are available here.

For logistics, we discussed scheduling, meeting format, and content for future sessions. We’ll be aiming for monthly meetings, but skipping December this year. Our next meeting will be the afternoon of Thursday, November 30th.

We’ll have open announcements for the group at the beginning of each meeting, followed by the presentation, talks, or workshop for that day. We’re aiming for the main content of meetings to be approximately 1 hour, with additional time afterwards to work on group projects, help each other out, or try out the new things we learned that day. Our members have a mix of experience levels, so we want presentations to cover the range of expertise levels.

We have two volunteers to do short presentations at November’s meeting. If anyone else would like to present something, we should have time for a third person. In January, we tentatively have a volunteer to do a presentation on dplyr. We’ll aim for a session of lightening talks on successes, failures, or just whatever you’ve been working on for March or April so that we’ll get a chance to hear from many members of the group.

If you’d like to volunteer to present in a future session, please email Christina at christina.maimone@northwestern.edu.